Moving Average Bands

The importable AIQ EDS file based on Vitali Apirine’s two-part article, (“Moving Average Bands,” part 1, July 2021 issue, and “Moving Average Band Width,” part 2, August 2021 issue) in Stocks & Commodities magazine can be obtained on request via email to The code is also shown below.

Vitali presents moving average bands (MAB), an indicator based on the distance between the bands. MAB width lines can foreshadow strong market moves or a change in trend…

!Moving Average Bands 
!Moving Average Band Width
!Author: Vitali Aprine, TASC July & Aug 2021
!Coded by: Richard Denning, 6/14/2021
Len1 is 50.
Len2 is 10.
Mult1 is 1.
C is [close].
MA1 is expavg(C,Len1).
MA2 is expavg(C,Len2).
MAdiff is MA1 - MA2.
DV is sum(MAdiff*MAdiff,Len2) / Len2.
Dev is sqrt(DV)*Mult1.
MABup is MA1 + Dev. MABmid is MA1.
MABdn is MA1 - Dev.
MABW is (MABup - MABdn) / MABmid * 100. LowMABW is lowresult(MABW,Len1).

Figure 13 shows the MAB and MABW indicators on a chart of Apple, Inc. (AAPL).

Sample Chart

FIGURE 13: AIQ. This shows the MAB and MABW indicators on a chart of Apple, Inc. (AAPL).

—Richard Denning
for AIQ Systems