Charting Options symbols in AIQ Charts and RTalerts

The recent OIC implementation of its new option symbology in February of 2010 finally gave AIQ the opportunity to fully chart options symbols. There are two methods of charting. In AIQ Charts, you can now enter an option symbol and receive a real-time chart (not end of day). In AIQ RTalerts you can add any number of option symbols and see both real-time and end of day charts.

AIQ opted for what we considered the easist to use implementation of the OIC recommendations. For example the SPY July 2010 106 calls can be charted by entering the ticker

SPY JUL10 106 C

Note there is a single space between the underlying ticker, the month/year, the strike price and the call(C) or put (P).

Try it for yourself. We recommend using RTalerts for tracking multiple options, as the capability to see end of day and real-time price charts is limited to real-time only in AIQ Charts. Further developments to accommodate the weekly and quarterly options are being investigated.

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