Wilder’s RSI: Extending the Time Horizon (substitute for Exploring Charting Technique)

Original article by Mike B. Siroky
For this June’s Stocks & Commodities Tips, I substituted the article by Mike B. Siroky, “Wilder’s RSI: Extending the Time Horizon” for the article by Sylvain Vervoort.

I provide a system that uses the author’s adjustable RSI bands that automatically adjust to the appropriate level for the input RSI length. The system is very simple:

  • Buy next bar at market open when the RSI is less than the lower confidence interval band (RSI_CILOW).
  • Exit the long position next bar at market open when the RSI is greater than the upper confidence interval band (RSI_CIUP).
  • Reverse rules for shorting.
  • I have a parameter that allows testing long only, short only or both long and short.
  • The system lost when the short side was allowed to trade.

Figure 1 shows the AIQ EDS Summary long only back-test report using the NASDAQ 100 list of stocks over the period 5/11/2000 to 5/12/2014. Neither commission nor slippage have been subtracted from these results. In running this test, I used a capital protect of 98% which is equivalent to a 2% stop loss using the close. All entries and exits are at the next open. I could not get the short side to show a profit even with added market timing filters for trend on the NASDAQ 100 index.


AIQ EDS Summary long only back-test report using the NASDAQ 100 list of stocks over the period 5/11/2000 to 5/12/2014.
!Author: Mike B. Siroky, TASC May 2014
!Coded by: Richard Denning 5/10/2014
W1 is 55. !RSI length for going long
W2 is 5. !RSI length for going short
numSD is 1.645.
RSI_CIUP1 is (EXPECTED_VALUE/100 + Sqrt(EXPECTED_VALUE/100/2/W1)*numSD)*100.
RSI_CILOW1 is (EXPECTED_VALUE/100 – Sqrt(EXPECTED_VALUE/100/2/W1)*numSD)*100.
RSI_CIUP2 is (EXPECTED_VALUE/100 + Sqrt(EXPECTED_VALUE/100/2/W2)*numSD)*100.
RSI_CILOW2 is (EXPECTED_VALUE/100 – Sqrt(EXPECTED_VALUE/100/2/W2)*numSD)*100.
U is [close]-val([close],1).
D is val([close],1)-[close].
rsiLen1 is 2 * W1 – 1.
AvgU  is ExpAvg(iff(U>0,U,0),rsiLen1).
AvgD  is ExpAvg(iff(D>=0,D,0),rsiLen1).
RSI_1  is 100-(100/(1+(AvgU/AvgD))).
rsiLen2 is 2 * W2 – 1.
AvgU2  is ExpAvg(iff(U>0,U,0),rsiLen2).
AvgD2  is ExpAvg(iff(D>=0,D,0),rsiLen2).
RSI_2  is 100-(100/(1+(AvgU2/AvgD2))).
HD if hasdatafor(210) >= 200.
Buy if RSI_1 < RSI_CILOW1 and HD.
Exit if RSI_1 > RSI_CIUP1 and HD.
NDXc is TickerUDF(“NDX”,[close]).
Sell if RSI_2 > RSI_CIUP2 and NDXc < simpleavg(NDXc,200) and HD.
Cover if RSI_2 < RSI_CILOW2 and HD.
—Richard Denning
for AIQ Systems

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