The importable AIQ EDS file based on Vitali Apirine’s article in the February 2022 issue of Stocks & Commodities titled “Relative Strength Volume-Adjusted Exponential Moving Average” can be obtained on request via email to
Synopsis: You can use calculations of the relative strength of price, volume, and volatility to filter price movement and help define turning points. In part 2, we explore the relative strength volume-adjusted exponential moving average.
The code is also available here:
! Relative Strength Volume Adjusted Exponential Moving Average
! Author: Vitali Apirine, TASC October 2022
! Coded by: Richard Denning, 8/16/2022
Periods is 40.
Pds is 40.
Mltp is 10.
C is [close].
v IS [volume].
Mltp1 is 2/(Periods+1).
Vup is iff(C>valresult(C,1),V,0).
Vdwn is iff(CMltp. Rate is Mltp1(1+RS1). HD if hasdatafor(Periods2+1) > Periods2. DaysInto is ReportDate() - RuleDate(). Stop if DaysInto > 50.
stopesa is iff(stop,C,RS_VA_EMA).
!myesa is alpha * [close] + beta * valresult( stopesa, 1 ).
RS_VA_EMA is iff(HD,valresult(stopesa,1)+Rate(C-valresult(stopesa,1)),C). !If(Cum(1)=Periods2,C,PREV+Rate*(C-PREV)).
ListValues if 1.
EMAp is expavg(C,Periods).
Code for the author’s indicator is set up in the AIQ EDS code file. Figure 10 shows a comparison of the EMA(40) versus the RS_VA_EMA on a chart of SPY during three months of 2022.

FIGURE 10: AIQ. Here, the exponential moving average of close over 40 bars (smooth blue line) is compared to the RS_VA_EMA(40,40,10) (jagged red line) on SPY.
—Richard Denning
for AIQ Systems