The AIQ code based on Vitali Apirine’s article in the November issue of Stocks & Commodities, “Average Percentage True Range,” is provided at
The code provided is used as an indicator (which I’ve called “PATR”). An example of the PATR is shown in Figure 7 on a chart of Apple Inc. (AAPL) compared to the same indicator on the S&P 500 index (SPX).

FIGURE 7: AIQ. Here is the percentage average true range (PATR) on a chart of AAPL in comparison to the same indicator plotted on the SPX index.
As mentioned, the code and EDS file can be downloaded, and is shown below.
!AVERAGE PERCENTAGE TRUE RANGE !Author: Vitali Apirine, TASC Nov 2015 !Coded by: Richard Denning 9/7/2015 ! WilderLen is 14. Index is "SPX". H is [high]. L is [low]. C is [close]. C1 is valresult(C,1). LH is H - L. HC is Abs(H - C1). LC is abs(L - C1). M is max(LH,HC). MM is max(M,LC). ATR1 is iff(MM=HC,HC,0). MID1 is iff(ATR1>0,(valresult(C,1)+(HC/2)),0.00001). ATR2 is iff(MM=LC and ATR1=0,LC,0). MID2 is iff(ATR2>0,(L+(LC/2)),0.00001). ATR3 is iff(MM=LH and ATR1=0 and ATR2=0,LH,0). MID3 is iff(ATR3>0,(L+(LH/2)),0.00001). ATRS is iff(ATR1>0,ATR1/MID1,iff(ATR2>0,ATR2/MID2,iff(ATR3>0,ATR3/MID3,0)))*100. ExpLen is WilderLen*2-1. APTR is expavg(ATRS,ExpLen). !PLOT APTRidx is TickerUDF(Index,APTR). !PLOT ShowValues if 1.