Perry Kaufman’s “Slope Divergence: Capitalizing On Uncertainty”

The AIQ code based on Perry Kaufman’s article in the June 2014 Stocks & Commodities magazine, “Slope Divergence: Capitalizing On Uncertainty,” is provided at

I have modified the implementation somewhat from the author’s descriptions. I did not find that the system was exiting in an average of six days but was holding for a longer period. My exits might be the issue so I added a time exit that can be used to force an exit after the “maxBars” input number of bars. I liked the results when my time exit was set to hold for a maximum of nine bars.

Figure 7 shows the AIQ EDS summary long-only backtest report using the NASDAQ 100 list of stocks over the prior four years ending 4/10/2014. Neither commission nor slippage have been subtracted from these results. To get the short side of the system to show a profit, I added slope filters on the NASDAQ 100 index. Note that my parameter settings differ from those suggested by the author.

Sample Chart

FIGURE 7: AIQ, SAMPLE RESULTS. Here is a sample AIQ EDS summary long-only backtest report using the NASDAQ 100 list of stocks over the prior four years ending 4/10/2014.

The code and EDS file can be downloaded from The code is also shown here:

!Author: Perry Kaufman, TASC June 2014
!Coded by: Richard Denning 4/7/2014
momLen is 10.
dvgLen1 is 5.
dvgLen2 is 7.
dvgLen3 is 10.
entryNum is 3.
maxDiverg is 3.
minPrice is 10.
maxBars is 3.
C is [close].
L is [low].
H is [high].
HH is highresult(H,momLen).
LL is lowresult(L,momLen).
stoch is (C - LL) / (HH - LL).
momSlope1 is slope2(stoch,dvgLen1).
momSlope2 is slope2(stoch,dvgLen2).
momSlope3 is slope2(stoch,dvgLen3).
priceSlope1 is slope2(C,dvgLen1).
priceSlope2 is slope2(C,dvgLen2).
priceSlope3 is slope2(C,dvgLen3).
dvgBuy1 if priceSlope1 > 0 and momslope1 < 0.
dvgBuy2 if priceSlope1 > 0 and momslope2 < 0.
dvgBuy3 if priceSlope1 > 0 and momslope3 < 0.
dvgSell1 if priceSlope1 < 0 and momslope1 > 0.
dvgSell2 if priceSlope1 < 0 and momslope2 > 0.
dvgSell3 if priceSlope1 < 0 and momslope3 > 0.
nPriceSUp is priceSlope1 > 0 + priceSlope2 > 0 + priceSlope3 > 0.
nMomSUp is momSlope1 > 0 + momSlope2 > 0 + momSlope3 > 0.
nPriceSDown is priceSlope1 < 0 + priceSlope2 < 0 + priceSlope3 < 0.
nMomSDown is momSlope1 < 0 + momSlope2 < 0 + momSlope3 < 0.
dvgBuySum is dvgBuy1 + dvgBuy2 + dvgBuy3.
dvgSellSum is dvgSell1 + dvgSell2 +dvgSell3. 
Buy if dvgBuySum >= entryNum and C > minPrice.
AllComboExit if (nPriceSDown = maxDiverg and nMomSDown = maxDiverg)
or (nPriceSUp = maxDiverg and nMomSUp = maxDiverg).
Time if {position days} >= maxBars.
ExitBuy if AllComboExit or Sell or Time.
Sell if dvgSellSum >= entryNum.
ExitSell if AllComboExit or Buy or Time.
—Richard Denning
for AIQ Systems

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