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Using Fibonacci Arcs, Time Zones, Retracements, and Fans in Stock Trading

Steve Hill from AiQ Systems presented on the use of Fibonacci tools in trading, explaining their effectiveness in identifying support and resistance levels, particularly in trending markets. He discussed the use of Fibonacci retracements, arcs, fans, and time zones, emphasizing their importance in analyzing market trends and making informed investment decisions. Steve also demonstrated how to use these tools on various stocks, including Johnson & Johnson, Hasbro, Home Depot, and a hotel company, highlighting their usefulness in predicting future price movements.

How to make a multi-indicator entry with exit strategy

Creating and testing - 4 Candlestick Strategies

In this session we evaluated the effectiveness of different trading strategies using the AIQ TradingExpert Pro Expert Design Studio.

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The four EDS files and accompanying backtest files, download these to your /wintes32/EDS Strategies folder. If your browser opens the file in a new tab, right click on the link instead and use save link as.

Getting up to speed with AIQ TradingExpert Pro + Market Timing - how the  System works

Part 1. Getting up to speed with AIQ TradingExpert Pro

Part 2. Market Timing - how the AI Expert System works

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AIQ TradingExpert Pro - ETF Rotation Strategy using Relative Strength

In this hour-long session, Steve Hill, CEO of AIQ Systems covers some hidden features in AIQ TradingExpert Pro, and in the second half, explores an expanded ETF list of tickers using a tried and tested ETF rotation strategy.

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Power features in AIQ + guest speaker David J Wozniak CMT on Group/Sectors

In the first segment Steve Hill, CEO of AIQ Systems discussed some of the power features you may not be aware of in TradingExpert Pro.

In the second half, David J Wozniak CMT, a long-time AIQ client and founder of Trading floor Research will discuss how he uses Group/Sectors in his trading analysis and for his service.

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Which Technical Indicators Work Best in AIQ TradingExpert Pro

In this hour-long session, Steve Hill, CEO of AIQ Systems covers trend, momentum and volatility based indicators and which work best for trading using the AIQ TradingExpert Pro.

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Creating An Advance-Decline Line ‘Without the Flaws’

Hour-long session with Steve Hill, CEO of AIQ Systems. Many of the issues currently listed on the New York Stock Exchange are not really stocks but closed end funds, bond funds, ADRs. This has been the principal cause of the false signals given off by the Advance-Decline indicator. Using AIQ's Breadth Builder Steve will show you how we have a fix for that. 

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Indicator Trading Strategies and Custom Studies

Hour-long session with Steve Hill, CEO of AIQ Systems. We'll explore some indicator trading strategies and we'll undertake some testing of effectiveness. We'll also combine them together into one strategy, prior to adding them as a Color Study.

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Portfolio Simulation, Trading System Alerts (eSignal clients),

45 minute session with Steve Hill, CEO of AIQ Systems. Part 1, Portfolio Simulation for fine tuning a trading strategy. The importance of position sizing, available capital and other real-life constraints on trading. Part 2, Trading System Alerts Intraday (eSignal clients). Making the transition from a trading strategy tested in EDS/Portfolio Simulation to using it in a real-time alert.

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Unusual Expert Ratings and what they show + How I draw Fibonacci Expansions

Hour-long session with Steve Hill, CEO of AIQ Systems. and David Wozniak of TFRTrader. In the first part of this session Steve explores some unusual Expert Ratings and their significance. in the second part David explains how he draws his Fibonacci Expansion

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Direxion ETFS in TradingExpert Pro

In this video, Steve Hill CEO of AIQ Systems discusses a special list of Direxion ETFs and how to use the power tools in AIQ to find trading candidates.

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