Thank you for adding Intraday Snapshot
Thank you for adding Intraday Snapshot
Thank you for subscribing to AIQ TradingExpert Pro Intraday Snapshot
Your credentials will be updated in 24 - 48 hours with your access to this service.
How often is the Intraday Snapshot data updated?
During market hours a snapshot of pricing is taken and available with 35-40 minute delay. All US stocks are available. You can download several times during a trading day and receive the most recent delayed data snapshot into end of day Charts. You can also update the AIQ Groups/Sectors, AIQ Reports, AIQ Portfolio Manager and AIQ EDS strategies.
The Intraday Snapshot is particularly useful when downloading in last hour of trading as you have an opportunity to undertake end of day analysis with the vast majority of the days trading data and place trades before the market closes.
If you added the Intraday Snapshot to your Dial/Data service, you will automatically get this delayed data on all US stocks downloaded and appended to your end of day data files during market hours. The system uses the market hours below to determine when a download is considered intraday. Downloading outside the market hours ensures the closing prices for a day overwrite the intraday. Removing the checkmark is not required to get closing prices.