
Thank you for subscribing to TradingExpert  with Dial/Data service

Your credentials will be e-mailed to you in 24 - 48 hours from support@aiqsystems.com.

These credentials will give you access to Dial/Data end of day data. 

NOTE: You will need to cancel your Dial/Data account that you used with SuperCharts if you have not already done so. 

Telephone: 888-869-8300  E-mail support@dialdata.com

What do I need to do next?

1. Download and install TradingExpert 

You'll need to download and install this first - ​full download and installation instructions are available  here

2. Contact AIQ to obtain your key number 

Your new TradingExpert software will be fully operational for 30-days. To activate your software full-time, you'll to obtain your key number.

 - Launch the AIQ Main Menu icon from your TradingExpert program folder or from the desktop icon.

 - Click on Applications, Registration and contact AIQ at support@aiqsystems.com with the two 4-digit registration numbers.

NOTE: Your TradingExpert end-of-day + Dial/Data software includes Charts, Market Charts, Data Manager, Comm, Portfolio Manager AND DOES NOT include access to Expert Design Studio, Matchmaker, Quotes, Alerts or Fundamentals.

How do I enter my Dial/Data credentials?

​You'll receive your credentials in an e-mail from support@aiqsystems.com, the instructions are in the e-mail and are are also included below.

1.    ​Launch the AIQ Main Menu icon from your TradingExpert Pro program folder. 

2.   Select the Comm icon.

3.   Click on the Setup Options tab and then on the Setup button adjacent to Service Dial/Data

4.   Enter your user ID and password from the credentials e-mail and click OK.

You are now ready to download data from Dial/Data. If you elected to receive intraday snapshot you'll automatically be able to access this download during market hours. 

End of day closing data is usually available after 8pm eastern. 

How do I get started using TradingExpert?

We have a number of tutorials available tog et you up to speed. Start with these Charting movies. There is a complete library of other tutorials, webinar archives, support knowledge base, and user manuals at https://www.aiqeducation.com/support/

1. How to use Charts and the indicators and barometers

2. Multiple Charts saving layouts and changing chart view.

3. Changing and adding indicators using different display and drawing tools

4. Group and sector and explore lists

5. Stock Expert Rating AI system

6. Market Timing Expert Rating AI system